A job notice for the Officer position was recently released by the Bank of Maharashtra to fill the 172 seats. There is a fantastic opportunity for nominees to work for the bank. Nominees who are qualified and educated for the positions are hired by the Bank of Maharashtra. Online applications must be submitted before 17-02-2025. Applicants are selected for the job through an online test, interview, and document verification.
BOM Officers Recruitment 2025 Notification Overview:
- Authority Name: Bank of Maharashtra
- Apply Online Start Date: Started
- Name of Posts: Officer posts
- Apply Online End Date: 17-02-2025
- Official Webportal: bankofmaharashtra. in
- No. of seats: 172
BOM Officers Notification 2025 Complete Details
Vacancy Details:
The Bank of Maharashtra released 172 seats for the Officer’s posts.
Educational Qualifications:
According to the notice of the Bank of Maharashtra, the nominees who have any degree or any master’s degree from a recognized college or institute are eligible for the officer’s posts.
Selection Procedure:
The Bank of Maharashtra chose the nominees who passed all the rounds mentioned below.
- Online Test
- Interview
- Verification of documents
- Shortlisted
Application Fee:
- For the GEN, EWS, and OBC: Rupees 1180/-
- For the ST, SC: Rupees 118/-
- For the PwBD: Zero fee
- For the women’s: Zero fee
Age Criteria:
- Officer SScale-IIposts: Nominees’ age is between 22 – 35 years
- Officer Scale- III posts: Candidates between 25 – 38 years
- Officer Scale- IV posts: Nominees maximum age is 40 years
- Officer Scale- V posts: Candidates maximum age is 45 years
- Officer Scale- VI posts: Nominees maximum age is 50 years
- Officer Scale- VII posts: Candidates maximum age is 55 years
Pay Scale:
As per the rules, the Bank of Maharashtra pays the salary to the selected nominees for the Officer’s posts.
How to Apply For BOM Officers Notification
- Check out the official webpage.
- To apply online, go to the recruitment area.
- The official notice is downloaded by candidates.
- Candidates filled out the form with all the necessary information.
- Fill out the form with all of the certifications, pictures, and signatures.
- Online application fee payment is required.
- Send in the filled-out form by the deadline.
- Print off a copy of the completed form.
- Q: For the ST and SC candidates, how must does it cost to apply?
- A: For the ST and SC candidates, the application fee is Rupees 1180.
- Q: When is the application deadline for the positions of officers at the Bank of Maharashtra?
- A: 17-02-2025 is the application deadline for the positions of officers at the Bank of Maharashtra.