
NCL Northern Coalfield Limited 150 Assistant Foreman Online Form 2024


NCL Limited company is looking for people on the empty slots of Assistant Foreman. The total number of slots for Assistant Foremanin NCL Limited is 150. The online portal of the NCL Limited will be open from 15-01-2024 for the Assistant Foreman posts. The people can move to the career page of NCL Limited and apply for the assistant Foreman seats. The people who have checked their eligibility for the Assistant Foreman seats should submit the applications before 05-02-2024. We have described all the requirements for the Assistant Foreman vacancy at NCL Limited in the below article.  


NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Vacancy 2024 

Name of Company NCL Northern Coalfield Limited
Apply Online Commence Date 15-01-2024
Vacancy Name Assistant Foreman Vacancies
Apply Online Last Date 05-02-2024
Website Details
Number of Vacancies 150 Vacancies

NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Vacancy 2024 

Vacancy Names:

  1. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/E&T- 09 Vacancies
  2. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/Mechanical- 59 Vacancies
  3. Assis Foreman/Grade C/Trainee/Electrical- 82 Vacancies

Educational Qualifications:

The NCL Limited company needs applications from the BE/BTech Degree/ Diploma in Engg person for the Assistant Foreman posts and the qualifications should be from the acknowledged college/university/ school.

Selection Strategy:

The individuals will be issued admit cards for the CBT-type written test conducted by the NCL Limited company for the Assistant Foreman posts.


Application Expense:

  • For GEN/EWS/OBC Group- RS 1180
  • For SC/ST/PWD/ESM Group- Zero Fees

Age Benchmarks:

The individuals who have the needed qualification should check if their age is from 18 years to a max of 30 years, they can submit the forms for the Assistant Foreman posts on the NCL Limited portal. 

Pay Rate:

The position of Assistant Foreman will come in the pay band of RS 47330 per month at the NCL limited company. 

How to Apply For NCL Northern Coalfield Limited Notification

  1. The individuals should review the facts of the vacancy circular of NCL Limited for Assistant Foreman posts.
  2. Then, tap on the register link to fill out the Assistant Foreman form.
  3. Attach the correct format of documents/photos with the Assistant Foreman form.
  4. See the details of the payment and go for the NCL Limited payment process.
  5. Submit the NCL Limited application form. 

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